Please remember that your dates are not reserved until you register/make a payment online. It is important to reserve the day and time for you party in advance.
First, please click on the icon “Reserve your party”, and once we agree on the date/time/location, you should go online, go to SCHEDULE , and choose the birthday party option you desire.
As for potential weather cancellations--It is always a good idea to offer a make-up date to your guests, for example, if you are planning on 09/17, offer a make-up date as for 09/24, or at any other date that works for you and we will do our best to accomodate your request. Then, if it rains, you will need to cancel the party and invite for the make-up date.Make-ups must be rescheduled within the next two weeks after the original party date. Please note, that all reservations are non-refundable.