Balance, control, and coordination are the three key developmental elements children need. Soccer is the best vehicle for achieving significant improvement in these three areas. Soccer demands that kids develop the ability to move both their body and a ball with their feet. This skill is not something that is easy and takes a supreme amount of eye-foot coordination.Eye-foot coordination, as a skill, increases peripheral vision. Peripheral vision is necessary in all sports thus working to develop this essential ability is beneficial to everyone.
Build Self-Confidence
Kids Pro Soccer is the prep stage for future endeavors in soccer. Our curriculum develops creative skill and the concept of developing individual skills necessary to succeed.
Soccer is the only sport in which a child has to move a ball with their feet while simultaneously maintaining balance and changing direction.
Kids Pro Soccer classes involve dynamic play children absolutely love every minute of it. A happy child who has satisfied their inherent genetic need to move is better able to focus, concentrate on and maximize benefits from learning in academic areas.